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STANDARD PRODUCTS: regular forms, compact silicone

Main characteristics

  • The fabrication standard of JV is translucid silicone, but we can also produce transparent silicone or colored; according to the RAL or PANTONE lists; luminescent, fluorescent and metalized.

  • The standard toughness is 70º shore A but we can produce silicone between 35º y 80º shore A and spongy or cellular silicones.


Generic properties

Due to its chemical composition, it is flexible and soft to the touch, does not stain, fray nor pollute, has low thermal conductivity and a low chemical reactivity, it is not compatible with the microbiological growth, it is not toxic and it is highly permeable for gases at standard temperature of 25ºC. It is odorless, tasteless and does not develop bacteria, it is not corrosive with other materials. Our silicone is resistant among temperatures between –50ºC and +200 C. (JV can produce other specific formulas that can endure between -90 °C and +315 °C). 

Resistant to the air, the ozone, the radiation of the ultraviolet rays, the oxygen, the humidity and the aging, so that its useful life is long. Good resistance to the fire and at the deformation for compression. Excellent electrical properties as an insulator. Suitable for alimentary and sanitary use. It has the faculty to extend, it is permeable at the gas and has a high capacity to repel the water (not completely hydrophobic). More information at: materials, silicone section.


Mechanical properties

Average resistance to traction of 70 kg/cm2, with an average elongation of 400%, maintaining this values after being exposed to extreme temperatures.


Electric properties

Flexible, elastic and insulating, maintaining its properties at extreme temperatures where other materials would not endure.


Biocompatibility properties

Suitable for contact with food, according with American ruling FDA (CFR21 section 177.2600), with the BgVV (XV recommendation). Also, medical grade silicone that can meet with class VI standards. 


Chemical properties

The silicone resists some chemicals including some acids, chemical oxidants, ammonia and isopropyl alcohol. It excels its nice behavior at contact with greases and dissolvent. The silicone inflates when exposed at solvents no polar like benzene or the toluene.

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Silicone cords, standardized diameters and derivate toric joints


The standard of fabrication of cords, toric yarn or compact silicone rounds of the Group JV (extruded profile calibrated circular section) comes from 2 mm until 50 mm, and at different lengths of roll (25 m, 50 m and 100 m).  Depending on the necessities of the customer, the format of the roll can vary and we can even extrude intermediate measures (2.5, 3.75, etc.) and cut pieces from 1 mm. The maximum due date of this product is 1 week or 2 weeks if cut.



The most common diameters are:

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Also, JV can produce welded toric joints without limit of development a through extruded cords, whose both extremes are welded by hot vulcanized union, which maintain the same properties that the rest of the extruded profile. Because of its fabrication, it is the simplest solution of tightness and has a good relation functionality/cost, since it does not add any molding cost or price of modelled piece. It works very good as a sealer for valves, bombs, doors, o’ring type seals of big and small size, stopcocks, tanks, transformers and self-sealing systems, among many other applications. For the toric joints, it is essential that the placement where the joint will act is accurately calculated in shape and dimensions, since the correct functioning of the joints will depend on that.

The dimensions of the toric joint are given by its interior diameter (d1) and its thickness, or the diameter of the extruded cord (d2).

Multicolor plastic bangles isolated on w
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To choose the correct toric joint we have to be aware of the resistance to the fluid to which it has to keep tight against (joint swelling can happen, but never compression), resistance to work temperatures, resistance to wear and deformation and selection of the adequate hardness depending on the pressure it will need to resist. In case of any doubt, please contact with our technical department.

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Electric wires of red, yellow and dark b

Silicone tubes, standardized diameters and

its flat washers and derivate tubular sleeves

Arcade, Industrias J.V., S.A. and Elastómeros J.V., S.A. produces compact tubing and hoses from an interior diameter of 1 mm and up to an exterior diameter of 180 mm, with wall thicknesses starting from 0,25 mm in silicone. We also extrude all intermediate measurements such as 2.5, 3.25, 3.75, etc. We extrude any number of thickness with an average tolerance of +- 0.2 mm of diameter. The format is variable in different roll lengths (25m, 50 m and 100 m) depending on the client’s needs.

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Through this tubing and hose, JV produces silicone washers or flat joints, cut pieces, flexible hoses or tubular sleeves starting from 1 mm of length. Washers are frequently used for proper sealing of the unions of closing elements where tightness is important, and generically in any hydraulic or pneumatic element to avoid fluid leaks because of mechanization malfunctioning in closing areas, even having internal pressures, for example in engines and compressors. This saves a lot of money because it allows the mechanization not to be totally perfect in coupling. Can be produced in any diameter in which tubes can be produced with a minimum thickness of 1 mm. 

Some of the most popular joints in the market are:

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set colored electric cable on white back
washers, isolation, Fiberglass washers,

Another element of general use are the tubular sleeves mentioned before. They are generally used as a technical solution for fluid transfer, in refrigerating systems, admission, heating, engines, and specially in silicone for food industry. The due date for the whole hose is 1 week, 2 weeks if cut. 

The most common diameters and its lengths are:

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Another star product made from tubing is the inflatable joint. Commonly, it is used as a solution for coupling moving parts, that can be connected or disconnected through the inflating or deflating of the joint. One of its more extended uses is in the area of acoustic isolation. Thanks to the high module of elasticity and elongation, they are expanded or contracted through a pneumatic system, allowing the user to control the tightness by deflating or inflating the joint. Its application fields are very extended: containers, self-sealing systems, feeders, discharge valves, isothermal vaults, centrifugal filters, pneumatic transporters, solid matter deposits, butterfly valves or gas sealing doors, door joints in cabins or drying machines, and in heating or refrigeration vaults, among many other uses.


Most standardized silicone squares and square joints

Arcade, Industrias J.V., S.A. y Elastómeros J.V., S.A. manufactures compact, squared silicone profiling (extruded profile of calibrated square) both in solid and with perforations, and also with holes between 2 mm x 2 mm up to 80 mm x 80 mm. They are profiles generally used for the realization of joints. The joints of square profile are used for static applications such as flanges, covers, pistons, stems, alternative movements, for tightness of axis and rotating joints in movement and specially where toric joints have torsion risks. We have tools of all measures between 2mm x 2 mm and 80 x 80 with possibility to create perforations and internal holes.

The most common measurements are:

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Most standardized silicone rectangles and rectangular joints

Arcade, Industrias J.V., S.A. y Elastómeros J.V., S.A. manufactures compact, rectangular silicone profiling and strips or bands (extruded profiles of calibrated rectangular section) both solid and with perforations or holes between 0.5 mm up to 80 mm. They are commonly used in the sanitary sector, as well as in the textile sector.

The most requested bands are:

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For rectangular profiles, the JV Group has moving lines that allow the manufacturing of any rectangle. The most common application of this silicone profiles is tightness joints and packaging.

The most used rectangles are:

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All this range of silicone articles: cords, tubes and hoses, squares, rectangles, as well as flat joints, round joints or washers, can be manufactured in any type of silicone: standard, isolating, conducting, silicone for vapor, fluorosilicone, silicone for high and low temperatures, platinum silicone, silicone suitable for contact with food, medical grade silicone, spongy silicone and cellular silicone. Please consult with our technical department different possibilities such as welded joints, glued joints, inflatable joints or joints cut from silicone tubes or reinforced tubes.

Pol. Ind. Can Salvatella, C/. Cabanyes, 33-37. 08210 Barberà del Vallés (Barcelona).  Tel. 93 719 21 00  Correo:

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