Industrias JV, Arcade and Elastómeros JV has technical personnel specialized in the assessment, development, formulation and custom design, according to needs, of any piece or profile of rubber and silicone, fulfilling the customer's specifications on the physical-technical as well as the mechanical and geometric levels.
At JV, we develop our own formulas to guarantee the physical-mechanical requirements that are needed and we have our own machining workshop for the manufacture of molds, tools, rows and dies. With this, we get the dimensional and geometric requirements that are needed with electro-erosion machine, milling cutter, lathes, drills, grinding machines, saws and sandblasting that allows us to offer a service with very short delivery times and extremely competitive prices as well as an optimum tool maintenance service for manufacturing.
The R & D department of the JV group advises without compromise on the most suitable technology and rubber and silicone materials to be used for the manufacture of the prototype, if necessary, taking into account the functional and aesthetic requirements of the piece or profile and advising on the matter of each and every one of the available technologies for its execution.
In addition, Industrias JV, Arcade and Elastómeros JV responds in the shortest possible delivery time from the homologation of the product, if required, to serial production, giving documentary and audiovisual support, if necessary, for projects of great importance in sectors such as: construction, submarine and naval construction, aeronautics and petrochemical.

Pol. Ind. Can Salvatella, C/. Cabanyes, 33-37. 08210 Barberà del Vallés (Barcelona). Tel. 93 719 21 00 Correo: comercial@elastomerosjv.com