STANDARD PRODUCTS: silicon and rubber caps
Most standardized silicon and rubber caps for the laboratory sector

Main characteristics
At Arcade, Industrias J.V. and Elastómeros J.V., we manufacture solid and hollow caps with one or various holes in nitrile, silicon, EPDM, SBR, CR and fluoridated rubber, with a wide range of models and dimensions.
Silicon caps are the most popular because they are ideal in a wide range of uses, since it resists many different chemical fluids, can resist extreme temperatures between -45ºC and 200ºC, and can be manufactured in translucid, transparent, all the colors in RAL and PANTONE lists, luminescent, fluorescent, metalized, and with a hardness between 35º and 80º shore A, although the most commonly used is 70º shore A.
We also manufacture caps with rubber like EPDM, NBR, CR and FKM, usually with a hardness of 70º shore A, and are often requested in black and white.
Their major functionality, for both silicon and rubber caps, is to seal bottles, tubes or barrels that contain fluids or gases. They are widely used in the laboratory and investigation sector, as aesthetic elements, for screwed orifices, conducts and also electronic devices, since they guarantee perfect tightness and good grip.
At JV we recommend, when it comes to choosing a cap, the fluid that it will have to contain and be tight against (we have to be aware of its chemical resistance), the temperature of work and other specifications in order to choose adequately a type of rubber. The most popular are the ones with conical shape for a better closing and adaptability. We also have universal caps which are taller, to cover most of orifice diameters, and also caps with a bigger and wider superior part, to ease its maneuverability, among others. We can manufacture them with any size and shape and are adaptable to the most used orifices. The catalog gathers the most common geometries of circular caps. However, we can build special molds to achieve any geometry requested by our customers.

All this range of caps can be manufactured in any type of silicon: standard, isolating, conducting, silicon for vapor, fluorosilicon, silicon for high and low temperatures, platinum silicon, silicon suitable for contact with food, medical grade silicon, expandable caps with steel mechanisms for more security, as well as logo insertions. Please consult with our technical department all the closing possibilities.

Most standardized diameters of silicon caps for the wine sector and derivate

Among the most popular silicon caps, we find the winemaking caps. These silicon caps are of a very high quality and are used for the closing of barrels and casks for wine aging.
For this specific use, the JV Group manufactures these caps with alimentary grade, so that the wine can preserve all of its properties and organoleptic characteristics. The caps for the wine sector are completely hygienic, innocuous, odorless, tasteless and inactive against fungus and bacteria.
Because of its simplicity of use, in both placement and extraction, these caps are very extended through the market and are reusable, guaranteeing an optimal conservation of wine.
At Arcade, Industrias J.V., and Elastómeros J.V., we manufacture them according to the following rules: FDA, regulation “Code of Federal Regulations 21 CFR”, concerning “Food contact applications”; the BfR (former BGVV), recommendation XV relative to silicones and the EUROPEAN UNION, Directive 2002/72/EC, including 2004/19/EC and regulations concerning migrations according to Directives 85/272 EC y 93/8 EC and its amendments.

At JV, we can also manufacture them with conical shape, with hat, with fermentation mechanism, with stainless steel insertions, personalized and universal. Our R&D department are available for every enologist so he can choose a type of closing depending on the casks and barrels. Wine producers such as Cune endorse our article, among many other cooperages.
Pol. Ind. Can Salvatella, C/. Cabanyes, 33-37. 08210 Barberà del Vallés (Barcelona). Tel. 93 719 21 00 Correo: comercial@elastomerosjv.com