In case of other questions about these materials with multiple characteristics, their treatment or possible applications, please contact our technical and quality department that can provide you with the advice and information you need regarding any of the above-mentioned material for the development of your project.
It is a thermo polymer of hexafluoropropylene and vinylidene fluoride commonly called fluorinated rubber. At present Arcade, JV Industries and Elastomeros JV is the only national manufacturer by extrusion of this rubber.
Viton® and fluorinated rubbers (FKM) are elastomers that are highly resistant to heat, low temperatures and corrosive products. They have better proven characteristics of resistance to fluids than other rubbers since they have a remarkable chemical resistance to acids, oils, fuels and petroleum products, most lubricants, most mineral acids, ozone and both dilute and concentrated bases, to both aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, such as carbon tetrachloride, toluene and xylene.
It is self-extinguishing because it does not maintain combustion when it is removed from the ignition source and has good electrical properties at low voltage. The fluorinated rubbers, moreover, have a satisfactory cold resistance of between -30 ° C and -50 ° C and have a great resistance to water and water vapor up to + 150 ° C.
The fluorinated rubber of JV is able to dissolve other gums and is resistant to organic solvents even at high temperatures. They are completely stable up to 200ºC, without their mechanical properties being modified. Its resistance to weathering and to microorganisms (mold, sun, moisture and fungi) is excellent.

On the contrary, its use is not recommended with low molecular weight ethers, ketones, amines, hydrofluoric acid and hot anhydride.

Pol. Ind. Can Salvatella, C/. Cabanyes, 33-37. 08210 Barberà del Vallés (Barcelona). Tel. 93 719 21 00 Correo: comercial@elastomerosjv.com