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The Management of ELASTOMEROS JV s.a., INDUSTRIAS JV s.a. and ARTICULOS CAUCHO Y DERIVADOS s.l., considers Quality as a priority commitment in its strategy and fundamental values of its company culture.

Therefore it is committed to conduct an annual study of the context and stakeholders of the company, as well as to determine all those risks and opportunities that affect it, in order to determine what is the current situation of the company.


The collaboration, dynamism and commitment of all the people who make up the human team and its collaborating companies are essential to be able to offer a product and a service of the required quality. This policy provides the frame of reference for the establishment and revision of quality objectives and defines an organization with the following values and commitments:

- Complying with all legal and regulatory requirements, as well as the requirements demanded by customers or other interested parties, which are applicable to it. Ensuring that products and services meet the required satisfaction and deepening the knowledge of the needs and expectations of the consumer, establishing our strategy plans and objectives in that line.

- Encouraging the commitment and participation of our workers and collaborators through training and qualification to guarantee the quality of the manufactured products. promoting a positive environment of development, participation and above all training with employees and collaborating companies.

- To guarantee the traceability of the manufactured products, ensuring quality control in all productions.

- To guarantee the maintenance of an effective communication system, both internally and externally, on issues related to the quality of the manufactured product.

- Establish annual quality objectives and periodic reviews of the same.


This policy is the means to lead the organization towards the continuous improvement of its quality management system, so it is displayed in a visible place for all personnel and is communicated to all levels of the organization each time it undergoes revision so that it can be implemented and maintained.

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Pol. Ind. Can Salvatella, C/. Cabanyes, 33-37. 08210 Barberà del Vallés (Barcelona).  Tel. 93 719 21 00  Correo:

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